Cultural and Diversity Week

During the week of 22-26 May De Lisle celebrated the diversity of students and staff in the school community. Students were encouraged to explore diversity through eating foods from around the world; completing challenges to see how many languages each tutor group could say “hello” in (well done, 8C1); hearing from others about the value of culture and, in key stage three designing posters to demonstrate that De Lisle is a community made up of many cultures. The final day of the week was an own clothes day, with the option of wearing clothing that represents or is traditional in our cultures. It was wonderful to see the range of cultural dress – staff and students looked amazing and it offered a great opportunity to express and share who we are.

At the end of the day, students had a “Pentecost Party” to celebrate the birthday of the Church. Each tutor group chose to have this celebration in a slightly different way ranging from a brilliant quiz put together by Mr Sleep, to sharing foods from around the world, listening to music and dancing.

A small group of students have been working on the project to say the College prayer in as many different languages as possible. This is a work in progress at the moment, so watch this space to find out more!

Mrs R Jinks

Assistant Headteacher / Head of RE