De Lisle College has a clear vision that all students, including those with SEND are able to enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education with access to the National curriculum at an appropriate level, so that every child can achieve their potential.
Our SENDCO is Mrs K Chambers Kchambers@delisle.leics.sch.uk
All teachers are teachers of students with Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND Code of Practice 2014). Teachers at De lisle Catholic Academy are trained to support students with SEND and will personalise teaching by knowing the students areas of strengths and difficulties. The SEND department provides advice and guidance to teachers to allow them to do this effectively. For the majority of students this allows them to make good progress.
Some students may need some additional support from a teaching assistant, physical support, specific interventions, tuition or adjustments to the learning environment. Our SEND department work closely with the student, the family, teachers and support staff along with advice from a range of professionals to deliver and achieve this.
The SEND department works with all members of school staff to actively promote the development of students with SEND. Staff working within the Learning Support Department have specialist training in supporting students with a wide range of special educational needs including. Examples of these include Visual impairments, Hearing Impairments, and Specific Learning difficulties.
To ensure that all students can access the curriculum where possible
To adopt an inclusive approach, enabling all students to develop their interests, abilities and aptitudes as fully as possible
To gain support from external agencies and Local Authority Support Services when necessary.
To work together with parents/carers to meet the additional needs of SEND students.
To train and advise staff to be able to support students with additional needs.
To use a range of assessments to inform planning for students with additional needs are met.
- To prepare students for appropriate future opportunities within education and employment
- To celebrate and actively promote achievement and the contributions of our students with SEND.
We work closely with our Pastoral Support Team including our Heads of Year, Well-being officer – Mrs Mitchell, Attendance Officer – Mrs Lorraine Hardy and Designated Safeguarding Lead which is also – Mrs K Chambers. We have a Learning Support base which functions as a base for being able to provide a range of support and interventions.
SEND Documentation
https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk British Dyslexia Association
https://www.autism.org.uk National Autistic Society
https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk Autism Education trust
https://www.adhdsolutions.org ADHD Solutions