Engineering Visit – Loughborough University

On Wednesday 31 January, A level Physics and T Level Science students had the opportunity to spend the afternoon at Loughborough University’s School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering (AACME).  Students heard from academics and student ambassadors about each area of study and were able to spend time in the teaching facilities, which included the chance to get up close to a plane, UAVs (drones), a Formula 1 car, jet engines and to meet Spot – a Boston Dynamics mobile robot.  Students were also able to take part in a tensile testing lab run by Dr Hatton, Lecturer in Polymer Chemistry.

We are very grateful to Debbie Halliday from the School of AACME for organising the opportunity, Dr Hatton for providing the laboratory workshop, and the academics and student ambassadors for their time and information.

Dr Cox, Head of Physics