Below you will find an outline of the curriculum content delivered across the year. Please be aware that this is only an outline, and therefore at times content may cut across different half terms or may be moved as required. For a detailed breakdown of what you will be tested on in the assessment windows, please check the year group page.

Year 12 Content
Advent 1 Students in year 12 will have two teachers who will share the delivery of both Units in Year 12.


Year 12 is made up of Unit 1 – Changing Awareness of Crime

This is an internal assessment which will take place in December, in school with invigilators.

Topics covered include:

  •  Analysis of different types of crime such as white-collar crime, state crime and individual crimes such as hate and honour crime.
  •  Explain reasons certain crimes go unreported, for example sexual assault and hate crime.
  • Explain consequences of unreported crime
Advent 2 Unit 1 will continue leading up to the controlled assessment at the end of this term


  • Describe media representations of crime
  • Explain the impact of unreported crime
  • Explain methods of collecting statistics
  • Look at campaigns for change
  • Plan and justify a campaign for change


Lent 1 Unit 2 – Criminological Theories


Exam Unit sat in May


Topics covered include


  • Understanding social constructions of criminality
  • Know theories of criminality
Lent 2 Unit 2


  • Understand causes of criminality
  • Understand causes of policy change
Trinity 1
  • Revision
Trinity 2
  • Revision and exam