Year 9 University of Nottingham Visit

On Wednesday 22 March, a group of forty Year 9 girls visited the University of Nottingham for a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) experience day.  The day was part of a programme to inspire more girls to consider careers within engineering.  The visit included a talk from current students, practical team-based activities and a campus tour.

During the talk, students heard about branches of engineering study and the range of careers this may lead to.  The practical activity was related to designing carbon-neutral buildings, which proved to be a very engaging activity – as groups competed to design the best structure.  The campus tour was a chance to visit engineering labs, 3D printing workshops, libraries, lecture theatres, and see the campus as a whole.

This was an inspiring day, and we are very grateful to the University of Nottingham staff and students for all their work to put this event together.

Mr Greenwood, Miss Wilson, Miss Allsobrook   
