Below you will find an outline of the curriculum content delivered across the year. Please be aware that this is only an outline, and therefore at times content may cut across different half terms or may be moved as required. For a detailed breakdown of what you will be tested on in the assessment windows, please check the year group page.

Students cover 15 units in year 10. At the start of Year 10, students are selected to work towards either the foundation or higher tier based on their performance in Key Stage 3. Each unit is linked to a career and the topics and content are interleaved to ensure revisiting of content and deepening of understanding. The curriculum in Year 10 & 11 covers the whole GCSE specification and revisits the foundations built in KS3.

Year 10 Content
Advent 1
  • Enlarge shapes, identify and find angles in similar shapes and parallel lines and understand how to use congruent trianglesHigher Tier additional content: understand area and volume of similar shapes, enlarge with negative scale factors and prove congruency.
  • Use Pythagoras’ theorem and understand how to use SOHCAHTOA to find missing angles and sides using trigonometryHigher Tier additional content: use trigonometry in 3D shapes, use the sine rule and cosine rule and also find the area of triangles using 1/2absinC.
Advent 2
  • Solve one-step and two-step algebraic equations and inequalities and represent solutions on graphs and form and solve equations and inequalities with unknowns on both sides. Higher Tier additional content: represent inequalities on graphs and solve quadratic equations and inequalities.
  • Solve and form pairs of linear simultaneous equations algebraically and using graphs Higher Tier additional content:  solve simultaneous equations algebraically and graphically where one equation is quadratic or where there is a third unknown.
  • Understand and represent bearings, make scale drawings and calculate bearings using angle rules including using trigonometry and Pythagoras. Higher Tier additional content:  solve bearings problems using the cosine and sine rules.
  • Calculate with circles finding arc lengths and the area of sectors, understand how to find the volume of cylinders, cones and spheres and find the surface area of those shapes. Higher Tier additional content: solve problems using circle some basic circle theorems and solve area and volume problems with similar shapes.
Lent 1
  • Understand, represent, draw and calculate with vectors using the correct notation. Higher Tier additional content: use vectors in shapes and parallel situations.
  • Compare and share amounts into given ratios, link ratios and fractions, solve problems with currency and best buy scenarios and link ratios to graphs and algebra. Higher Tier additional content: solve ratio problems with area and volume.
Lent 2
  • Calculate simple and compound interest, convert between fractions, decimals and percentages, find repeated percentage change and work out percentages of amounts. Higher Tier additional content:  understand the iterative process.
  • Use experimental data to estimate probabilities, find probabilities from Venn diagrams and frequency trees and use tree diagrams to explore independent and dependent events. Higher Tier additional content: construct and interpret conditional probabilities.
Trinity 1
  • Collect, represent and interpret data, knowing the difference between primary and secondary data, construct frequency polygons and tables, construct and interpret bar and line charts, find and interpret averages, compare distributions, construct and interpret scatter graphs and draw and use lines of best fit. Higher Tier additional content: construct and interpret histograms, stratified samples, cumulative frequency diagrams and box plots.
  • Use non-calculator methods to estimate and round numbers using limits of accuracy, use the four operations fluently and solve financial maths problems Higher Tier additional content: work with rational and irrational numbers, calculate with surds and find upper and lower bounds.
Trinity 2
  • Understand arithmetic and geometric sequences finding the nth term rule, identify different types of number and calculate the highest common factor (HCF) and the lowest common multiple (LCM). Higher Tier additional content: continue sequences involving surds and find the nth term of a quadratic sequence.
  • Calculate with indices and roots, working with powers of ten and standard form. Higher Tier additional content:  understand and use fractional indices.
  • Know how to manipulate expressions, simplifying expressions, use identities and form and solve equations and inequalities with fractions. Higher Tier additional content:  add, subtract, multiply and divide algebraic fractions.