Below you will find an outline of the curriculum content delivered across the year. Please be aware that this is only an outline, and therefore at times content may cut across different half terms or may be moved as required. For a detailed breakdown of what you will be tested on in the assessment windows, please check the year group page.

Year 8 Content
Advent 1 My diet

  • What you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Advent 2 My diet

  • The foods you like/don’t like eating and why
  • Typical Spanish food
Lent 1 My town

  • Describing where you live
  • Describing what there is in your town
  • Forming the future tense
Lent 2 My town

  • Giving a complex justified opinion of where you live
Trinity 1 Role-play

  • Getting around town
Trinity 2
  • Consolidation of grammar points and vocabulary covered during the year